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Common intent

IntentUtils provides some useful Intent .


When an app targets Android 11 (API level 30) or higher and queries for information about the other apps that are installed on a device, the system filters this information by default. This filtering behavior means that your app can’t detect all the apps installed on a device, which helps minimize the potentially sensitive information that your app can access but doesn't need to fulfill its use cases.

For example, if you want to use the default phone app, declare the following in AndroidManifest.xml .

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.DIAL"/>

Quick start


mBinding.callBtn.setOnClickListener {
    dialPhoneNumber(this, "12345678910")
phoneCall.setOnClickListener(view -> 
    dialPhoneNumber(this, myUserProfile.getPhone())

As demonstrated in the code above, a call can be made by using dialPhoneNumber. Currently IntentUtils provides the following intents:

function detail
dialPhoneNumber Dial number
searchWeb Search specific content
openWebPage Open the specified web page
sendMmsMessage Send messages
openEmail Send email
createAlarm Create a alarm
wifiSetting Open WIFI setting

Sample code

Sample code